Sunday, October 23, 2016

Because of Mr. Terupt by Rob Buyea

Mr. Terupt, a new teacher in Snow Hill School, teaches Luke, Peter, Jeffery, Jessica, Alexia, Anna, Danielle, and other students. In Because of Mr. Terupt, Luke, Peter, Jeffery, Jessica, Alexia, Anna and Danielle each have opinions about Mr. Terupt and life at home and school. Everyone loves Mr. Terupt, then one day, Mr. Terupt lets his class play in the snow outside. Peter made a snowball that turned into an ice ball in his pocket and threw it when he got mad. Unfortunately, Mr. Terupt got hit and got knocked into a coma. With other previous problems added to his hit, people wonder will he make it? This book is good for ages 9 and above.
by Olivia Y., 6th grade