Wednesday, July 07, 2021

Faith by Julie Murphy

The summer before her senior year, Faith discovers a new ability to fly. Finally, with a secret to rival all of her favorite fictional characters she goes back to school, when weird things in her small town start to happen. Faith’s favorite tv show starts filming in her town, and the heartthrob lead of said show might be flirting with her, meanwhile all the dogs and cats in the town are starting to vanish. What will Faith with her new found abilities do about it?

This action packed book has a little of everything in it. With all the different tropes it contains it’s a really quick read, great for the summer. The main character, a queer plus sized geek, doesn’t have a huge struggle over who she is, she just exists in the story, which is really refreshing. Readers who have ever felt sad because their Hogwarts letter never came and they never found the path to Narnia will immediately connect with Faith’s character.

Though this book is not very serious and can feel a little cheesy or clichéd at parts, it’s a really fun fast paced read that I would definitely recommend picking it up!

Review written by Phoebe, Grade 11