The Good Place is a fantasy-comedy television series. The storyline primarily follows a woman from Arizona named Eleanor Shellstrop. In the first episode of the series, viewers learn that Eleanor Shellstrop has died in a tragic accident, and is now a member of “The Good Place”. This “Good Place” is a heaven-like paradise designed by “Michael”, an afterlife architect. Upon arriving in The Good Place, Eleanor realizes that the Architect has made a grave mistake. When she passed away, the Good Place mistook Eleanor for someone else with the same name, and accidentally switched the two women. Eleanor Shellstrop is an impostor in the Good Place, and must now do everything in her power to make sure she isn’t discovered. Through Eleanor’s journey, The Good Place explores many themes of ethics, philosophy, and morals.
The Good Place is an incredibly witty, entertaining show. It brings a lighthearted attitude to topics that would otherwise be considered fairly tragic. The dialogue, and the ways in which universally relatable experiences are incorporated into the plot are wonderful. The characters are all incredibly interesting and diverse, and the humor that each one brings to the story is top-notch. The storyline takes place during the present day in The Good Place, The Bad Place, and many other “places” in between. The main characters travel through multiple different dimensions on their journey to understand morality.
Though the various characters all come from uncommon backgrounds, it is not at all difficult to identify with them. The fact that the story is set in the present day adds to the relatability of the story, and the frustrations and delights that the characters share. As the story progresses, each character shows immense development, and the transformation is wonderful to watch.
Michael Schur is an American writer and producer who has created and written for many notable TV Shows such as The Office and Parks and Recreation. He is incredibly talented and creative, and the thought and detail he put into creating the various realms of the afterlife within this story is endlessly fascinating.
The Good Place is four seasons long, and each episode runs for approximately 20 minutes. While the show itself isn’t terribly inappropriate, it deals with quite a few complicated themes. There are lots of conversations within the show surrounding ethics, morality, and various interpretations of what is “right” and “wrong”. I would recommend The Good Place to fans of witty comedy aged 14+
Written by Asha M, grade 10