The Perks of Being a Wallflower is a beloved coming of age novel by Stephen Chbosky. The story takes place in the year 1991 and is narrated by a collection of letters written by a high school wallflower, Charlie. Staying true to his name, Charlie is generally shy and awkward. It’s made apparent that his specialties are reading, writing, and observing the world around him. In his many letters, Charlie tells the anonymous reader about his school life, friends, and family. Following the death of his close friend, Charlie is scared to go into the new school year alone. After all, Charlie just wants to fit in.
The main theme of this novel explores Charlie’s personal growth and development through high school. He learns to be more confident in himself as the story progresses. Charlie encounters love interests, family bondings and breaks, as well as unexpected friendships. Charlie’s narrated voice is witty, expressive, and emotional. As he transitions into a young adult, Charlie learns that his teenage life wasn’t so picture-perfect; full of drama and messy conflicts. His story is surprisingly heart-wrenching and deeply moving. You’ll find yourself rooting for Charlie as he endeavors on his journey.
In all, I thoroughly enjoyed this read and would definitely recommend it to a friend. This novel isn’t just a typical teenage fantasy and depicts the realistic hardships that come with being an adult—not once did it feel cliché. In my opinion, the main protagonist is also easily relatable, making the story feel raw and personal. A lot of the mature topics in this book were a bit extreme and over-exaggerated, but overall didn’t get in the way of the main story.
Written by Isole K., grade 9