Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Checked, by Cynthia Kadohata

Checked is a robust and compelling story of Conor MacRae, a wise boy beyond his years, who lives with his dad, Keith, a cop, and his dog, Sinbad. After he turns 12, he graduates from the Peewee AA team to the legendary AAA team and experiences what it is like going from the best hockey player to the worst on the team. Conor's mom died many years ago, and when Sinbad is diagnosed with cancer, the treatments are so costly that Conor cuts back on hockey time to help save money. Team practices and games are expensive, and Connor also has to cut back to his private coaching to lessen the financial strain on his father, who strives for a professional carer from his son. The money that is being saved by Connor and his father is going towards Sinbad's chemo that costs more than 7,000 dollars. The list of responsibilities that Conor manages is fantastic, and the more time he spends off the ice, the more he notices how tough life is. Conor suffers from a concussion and a dog functioning at less than 100 percent. He struggles with multiple real-world issues while sidelined from pursuing his dream of playing in the NHL. Conor is forced to deal with his feelings about his grandparents, who moved away after his mom died and want to be back in his life. By the end of the book, Connor has developed a greater understanding of those around him and leaps forward in the process of growing up.

I believe the book's most appealing aspect is how hard Conor MacRae works to take care of Sinbad. He washes cars and cleans nasty kitchens to get a pill for Sinbad that has a chance it won't cure his cancer. Not only does Connor work day and night trying to make money, but he also puts his favorite sport on hold. In the end, his hard work and perseverance help Sinbad stay in good health. Checked is a compelling story that provides examples of independence and perseverance. Cynthia Kadohata delivers a beautiful story that I would definitely recommend.

Review Written by Anya, 7th Grade