Monday, October 26, 2020

All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven

Every morning, Theodore Finch wakes up wondering if today is the right day to die. Still finding himself awake by the sixth day, Finch has always managed to find a reason to keep living. To finally end his life, once and for all, Finch proudly stands on the school’s six-story bell tower to say goodbye to the world. Violet Markey must have thought the same as the two meet each other on the highest ledge. Although they eventually make it down safely, Violet and Finch are soon introduced into each other's worlds. With their past following closely behind them, they discover what it really means to live. 

All The Bright Places is a charmingly written teen romance novel that explores a serious and heartbreaking topic with complexity and emotion. The protagonists themselves are quirky or engaging, which makes the story seem personal and believable. Personally I was not expecting to feel such a wide variety of emotions; despite judging the narrative to look rather humorous and heartfelt. Overall, this novel is one that I would definitely recommend to teen readers who are interested in romance genres.

Review Written by Isole, 8th Grade