Sunday, August 23, 2020

Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind Directed by Hayao Miyazaki

In a future where the world has become a toxic ecosystem unsuited for humans, young princess Nausicaa is one of the few survivors in the Valley of the Wind. Despite being in the age of developed technology, the Sea of Decay, a fatal place with harmful air and forest poisons, has become a source of war, hunger, and death on Earth, continuously spreading into each human society. In this land, giant and hostile insect creatures are found. Nausicaa, however, can miraculously understand these insects and has the ability to direct them away from harming the townspeople. Nausicaa embarks on a journey to bring peace back to planet Earth and to save her people.

This science fiction Japanese-animation overall was a pleasure to watch, but what I enjoyed most about this film was the music. There were times where scenes that I’d expected to simulate fear or tension were instead accompanied by upbeat music. Along with the imaginative visual execution, this compelling storyline was paired with a subtle but powerful message. In all, I would recommend this animation to anyone looking for something with adventure, mystery, or science fiction.

Rated PG

Review Written by Isole, 8th Grade