Sunday, June 20, 2021

Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer

Bella Swan has finally finished her senior year of high school, and she is engaged to the love of her life, Edward Cullen, who happens to be a vampire. After their wedding, Edward whisks Bella away to Isle Esme, his family’s private island off the coast of Brazil. Two weeks into their honeymoon, Bella becomes very sick. After observing her symptoms, they discover that she is pregnant! Edward is extremely worried by this new information. Vampire and human DNA have never before come into contact, and there is no telling the ways in which this fetus will affect Bella. The newlyweds rush back to Washington in the hopes of finding more answers. 

Meanwhile, Jacob Black has finally shifted out of his werewolf form. Upon hearing that Bella is sick, he decides to view her condition for himself. Jacob is enraged when he sees the state that she is in. The fetus is sucking the life out of her, and she refuses to do anything that might harm it. When Bella finally goes into labor, the baby nearly kills her, and Edward has to inject vampire venom into her veins in order to save her life. After Bella rejoins her new family, another vampire outside of the Cullen Coven encounters the baby girl. Misunderstanding the circumstances, the vampire thinks that Bella has bitten a human child. As the rumor spreads, an army is recruited to exterminate the Cullens for this unspeakable crime. Bella and her family begin to recruit an army of their own in order to plead their case and clear up the miscommunication.

I absolutely loved Breaking Dawn. The story is incredibly fast-paced, and I was completely engaged the entire time. The electric connection between Edward and Bella is as enticing as ever. Seeing them get the happiness they deserve was wonderful. The story’s buildup and suspense was extreme, a wonderful ending to the Twilight Saga.

Breaking Dawn is a very long book, nearly 800 pages. The vocabulary itself is not challenging, however, this is the final installment in a very detailed saga and having read the first three stories is necessary.

I would recommend Breaking Dawn to fans of Romance, Drama, Sci-Fi, and Mystery for readers aged 11 and up.

Review written by Asha, Grade 9