Monday, July 06, 2020

Deep Water by Watt Key

The book Deep Water is a suspenseful action book. It is about a girl named Julie who is visiting her dad for the summer and helping him with his dive shop. They take their clients, Mr. Jordan and his son, out to the Malzon tanks. Julie’s dad isn’t feeling well enough to dive, so Julie will lead the Jordans down. Once they get down there and Julie sees that the anchor won’t hold for long, she tried to get the Jordan’s to surface, but they were too far ahead. When they were about to surface they realize the anchor is gone. When they do surface they can’t see anything except for the dee blue Atlantic Ocean.

This book is suspenseful and intriguing. It leaves you on the edge of your seat every time you turn a page. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes to experience the world right from their very own couch.

Review Written by Lucy, 7th Grade