Friday, July 17, 2020

We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

We Were Liars is an exciting tale about a group of friends, known as the Liars, and their summer adventures over the years. It starts with the main character Cadence (or Cady), and we learn that she had an accident that caused her to lose her memory of what she calls, "Summer 15". Ever since she was young, Cady had spent the summer on her family's private island with her grandparents, aunts, and cousins and the island is where we meet the 3 other liars: her cousins Johnny, Mirren, and Gat. As the book continues, readers learn more about that mysterious summer as Cady regains her memory and tries to piece together what had happened.

I enjoyed this book because it was mysterious, but not scary, so I could read it at night without getting scared. One of the main themes in this book was family and Lockhart did a great job going into depth on their various family relationships and conflicts. I highly recommend it!

Review Written by Maddie, 10th Grade